Friday, September 28, 2007

Hey Yall!

Long time, no post! but seriously though I haven't posted in forever! yall probably thought i forgot about this thing, haha. well i was sitting in Web Design and i realized i haven't posted in a really long time, so i decided to do so!! Alot of things has happened since i last posted, school started, ugh, and so did cross country yay! Over the summer me and ash went to go visit some colleges, Ash wants to be teacher and im not really sure what i wanna do. I do know that i want to go to a small christian college like North Greenville or Anderson. So please pray for me and Ashley for God to tell us what to do and where to go, because I sure don't know! So who's ready for this hot weather to go bye bye, i know i sure am, i hate running in it and its just so miserable, but o well I know God has given us hot weather for a reason....o yea i would like to say thank you to all the people that prayed for me while i was sick!! it helped a whole lot!
So the other night, i was reading my bible and came upon this bible verse, well duh but anyways it was John 15:18-19. "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." Okay well I dont know about you, but i dont think that the whole world hates me because I love Jesus, i am a people pleaser and i just dont like anybody being mad or dissappointed in me but if the world hates me then let it, because I dont live for the World, I live for GOD!! so please pray that I dont let the world get the best of me, and to stay true on the path God is taking me on! Thanks!
Today is Katie's Birthday!! Make sure you all say happy birthday to her on Sunday!!
Today is also Friday, and i have a busy weekend, tonight i have a date =], and Saturday night our cross country team is having a sleepover!!! yay!! so ya'll please pray for me and ash, cause we want to come to church, but we probably won't get much sleep the night before, but I'm sure it will all be worth it! and please pray for our cross country team, who knows what we are going to do! well im gonna go talk to candace and Lauren now! i hope everyone has a great day and weekend!!!
love ya,