Saturday, April 28, 2007

Prom Night!!

Its Prom Night!!! I went with Ashley and Candace to go get their hair and make up done and they look very beautiful!! but thats nothing unusual!! so please pray that they stay safe and have a good time!!! Thanks!!
Much love,

Friday, April 27, 2007

Whats Up?¿?¿

Hey peps!! I am very excited, tomorrow night is prom, im not going, but Ashley and Candace are going and I'm so excited for them!! I hope that they have a great time!! Pray that they stay safe!!

On Another note, HSAP wasn't that hard just very long and tiring and I wasn't near as stressed as the week before! Thanks for all the prayers!!

Also!!! We had our cross country meeting on Thursday and I am so excited about that!! I love our coach and team!! on may 4th, were going to this race at Byrnes and we get to run for 24 hours!! yea im excited!!! It should be fun!!

Please pray for one of my friends, they are very stressed out, and I just wish that they would just relax and have fun!! lifes to short to be stressed out and let life pass you by!! So please pray for them.

I hope everyone had a great week and have a great weekend!! Dont stress over little things, live life, keep the faith, have fun and dont let the best things in life pass you by!! Enjoy the little things, on a starry night, just go outside and look at the stars!! its amazing how relaxing and peaceful it is!! give it a try, im sure you wont regret it!! Also be safe in whatever you do!!

Hope life is full of unexpected wonderful things for you!!
love yall!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Tower of Stress

Stress a huge tower that i really want to just knock down! For the past week i have been extremely stressed, okay so on tuesday i had a math test, on wednesday i had a science test, then Friday i suppose to have a Social studies test, which i might add is AP world History, yea not some test you can just study the night before for, well not for me anyways. Well i was really stressed out, well on Tuesday night, i was studying for science and i accidently fell asleep for an hour and i dont have much time on my hands to just fall asleep for an hour. but the weird thing was, that when i woke up i wasn't worried about it, I just knew that the Social Studies test was gong to be moved, i know it was God but it was amazing, i was actually relaxed for the past two nights, but now the test is on Monday which is way better than today and a big Thanks to God on that!! Our God is certainly amazing!! But please pray that I dont stress over this test and just relax and plus we have HSAP next week so im stressing over that as well!! so please pray for me!! thank you so much!!Love ya!!
Rach = ]

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Worry? me never.....

Worrying, something i do more often then i should but I have gotten better at it. Theres only one reason for that, I've learned to trust completely in God, and wow its amazing! Things might not always come out your way, but I've learned that in the end God knows best, so why would we want to try to change his mind? It completely amazes me how all we need is a little bit of faith, and anything can happen!!! Theres nothing our God can not do!! Whenever things seem to go wrong, or a bad situation comes in my life, I just turn to God and I know that everything will work out and its all part of his master plan! I have no idea what I would do without God, if it wasn't for him, I would probably have a heart attack or something! So if you ever doubt, or think that things could never get better, just remember its all part of God's plan and this situation will get you closer to God then ever before and it will also strengthen your faith! Keep relying in God, trusting him in everything that happens, and you find yourself a much happier person!