Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Start of the Summer

Hey Everyone!! Sorry I haven't posted lately, but I was on vacation last week, and I've haven really had time to write on this thing this past week. But right now im waiting for lunch to cook, so i decided that i would write on my blog. Today me and Ash had cross country practice at 6:30 this morning, it was awesome. its a great way to start the day, im near as tired as i was yesterday when i slept till 10. Its funny how that happens. Anyways, after that me and ashley went to go look for a job! we want to work at a daycare but we have had no luck, they have a age restriction, and i really wanted to work at Standing Springs because my cousins go there, and i thought that would be so kool to work there, but yea you have to be 18, so thats not gonna work out. So if you have any ideas or anything, let me and Ashley know! thanks!!
I am so pumped for VBS!! I love it, seeing the little kids get so excited about it!! It just makes me so happy!! I can't wait to start decorating, i love that part too. I keep begging my mom to let me go and help, so hopefully we will go today!! I really want to! I love the song for it, it just makes me so happy!! im gonna tell it to my cross country coach, ill think he'll like it as well!! Run, Run the race, keep, keep the pace, run, run the race, keep keep the pace. Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!! Has a nice lil beat to it! I like to sing it when I run, its pretty awesome!
While we were at the beach, we did bible study. One night we prayed before bible study, and we prayed that God would let us know that we were in his will and that we were obeying him. Well after that, i opened my bible, and the wind flipped the pages open to this story, and it was in Deutronomy, and it was about obeying God, and everything will work out better than you ever imagined it! I was like holy moly, thats amazing! Its so amazing that God can do things like that, He never ceases to amaze me! He is so awesome!
well I gotta go and eat some lunch, then hopefully, join the VBS crew and start decorating! =D Well have a great day!! see everyone tonight at church!
Love ya,

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