Monday, May 14, 2007

God's Painting

Hey everyone!! Well yesterday was mothers day, and we went to go visit my mom's mom and well she is not doing very well. She has to use oxygen now, she can hardly speak, and her arms and hands are all swolen. The swoleness really scares my mom, because two weeks before her dad died, his arms and hands got all swolen, so my mom is really scared. Yesterday was so sad, my mom would tell her she loved her, but get nothing in response. I know that my grandmother loves my mommy, she always tries to smile when my mom walks in the room, but its really hard my mom, seeing her like this. So please pray for my grandma and my mom! Thank You so much!

On Thursday, we have our AP World History exam, we have 70 multiple choice questions(they are not easy either!) and 3 essays to do, Im going to pass out at the end of it. And when you are done, you can't draw, or anything! I am going to go insane for sure! so please pray for the sanity of classroom! Thank you!

I can't wait till Wednesday!! We get to go Sonic and i get to see all of my friends at church, I cant wait! I love our youth group!

Have you ever looked at the clouds, and you might see a heart, or a dinosaur, or even fish in the clouds? I have and i just think it is so amazing. Its like God is painting a picture for us, and i have to say that God is greatest artist of all time. I mean he created this entire world, everyone, everything, i dont see how people can't believe in him. When I just look at the clouds and the bright shining stars, I know God is there! He is so amazing! I can just get a feeling of peace, just by looking at the sky and knowing what an awesome God he is! God continues to amaze me and I love him so much!

Have a great week, and just look at the clouds during the day, see what God has painted for us! Its amazing!
Love ya'll,

1 comment:

Crystal said...

so basically i cant wait until wednesday either. i miss Jesus. haha. andd i've missed you! it seems like its been forever b/c we didnt see eachother friday or sunday!