Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Random Thoughts

Yo peps! Whats krackin? Not much here, just kinda bored in 5th period, so i thought i would post! So this blog is probably going to be very random (nothing unusual)! This week has gone by so quickly, it feels like it should be Monday but its Wednesday!! That makes me extremely happy because its church night!! I love Wednesdays and Sundays, they are so much fun and there is nothing i rather do then go to church and worship my Lord and Savior!! I love how they made Wednesday a church night, because its in the middle of the week, and if u are feeling down and lonely, you can just go to church and it will turn your week around! so im really excited about church =P

Tomorrow me, ashley, crystal, chelsea, katie, and many others have to be at school at 7:30 tomorrow morning! Can u believe it, thats when i usually get up! goodness i am going to be very tired tomorrow! your probably wondering why we have to be at school that early, well we have our AP World History exam, which i know im going to completely fail because yea. If i even studied for that exam, i think that my brain would explode. It covers material from like the beginning to time until now, and in other parts of the world! but luckly, this exam doesn't count against us or anything. if we pass it, we get college credit if we dont then, yea its all good. So im not really stressing over it or anything, but tomorrow I think im going to go insane after taking the test! so please pray for me and everyone else!

Monday we started cross country practice! I am so happy!! I love coach bell he is so awesome! Anyways, we haven't had any really hard practices, just like 3 miles, pretty easy, and just showed the new kids on the block where the course is and things like that. Its pretty kool! We currently have 9 girls on our team, which is way better than last year, we only had 5 girls, so yea im excited!

Have you ever wondered who came up with the song, Jesus Loves Me? I sure have, i mean i wonder if it was a disciple or something, I hope it was because no kid should of gone without singing that song! its like my favorite song of all time! =P

My family and me went to go see Spiderman 3 on saturday, it was a very good movie and it had a very good moral to it! I think its going to be like one of my top hero movies, for sure! along with all the other spider-man movies!

okay well i think im gonna go email and bug candace! hope ya'll didnt get to bored with my blog, couldn't say i would blame ya if ya did though! well see ya'll tonight! Have a terrific day and rest of the week!

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